Hot Sam's Antique Store & Foto Park

It’s part photo park, theme park, artist’s haven, junkyard, antique shop. It is undeniably unique. And how you perceive this place depends on your individual preferences. If you like the odd, unusual and quirky, you’ll appreciate Hot Sam’s.

Antique Store

The largest and oddest collections of antiques and eclectic items anywhere. All mixed with useless and useful “stuff”.

Foto Park

Hot Sam’s has gained popularity as a place where professional photographers shoot clients against the eclectic props.

About Us & History

Gladys Hood, 26 years ago transformed a field with a two-car path into Hot Sam’s Antiques.

Great place to shoot high school grads, kids, families, weddings, engagement photos, and models for portfolio building. Call Kathy for more info at:

To walk around enjoy yourself and take photos

Giant bug
Call us for more specific pricing information at 952-469-5922

* Includes the caboose as a dressing and make-up area.